Think of CSS like clothes - it's the look, feel, mechanics but without danger

This is a test page that I will apply a style sheet to. A style sheet goes over an HTML and is saved as a .css file. It will go in the same folder as your index/whatever page you want to decorate. The style for this page must be in this folder.

Once your style is ready, you'll go back into your original page, and add the link rel= href= stylesheet code between your html tags. In this page, the code is at the very bottom, right after the mugshot.

This is a test list to apply CSS to!

  1. Test Item 1
  2. Test Item 2
  3. Test Item 3


This is a Test of a secondary box, and where it goes

  1. Test item 1
  2. Test item 2
  3. Test Item 3